New price list is effective from the 1st of September, 2024
Willow Therapy will use the following platforms to offer remote counselling and parent support sessions – Zoom or FaceTime. Both offer end to end encryption meaning that only you as the client and your counsellor can see what is being communicated. Your counsellor will discuss which platform would be suitable prior to commencing sessions. Sometimes people use headphones with a mic during online sessions, this is a personal preference.
In order for the sessions to take place please read through the following guidance notes and make sure that :
As with face-to-face sessions there will be a set time for counselling appointments. The session time will start at the designated appointment time and run for the hour.
Please ensure you have downloaded the appropriate app before the session commences. Also ensure you have your microphone on and camera turned on if using video. If you have chosen Zoom, your counsellor will send you a link via text. Your counsellor will ring you at your designated time if you are scheduled for a phone session.
Please turn off your mobile phone ring tone or mute. Turn off Alexa, Siri and all television and radio to avoid interruption.
Please ensure your computer or mobile is positioned at a sensible height so that your counsellor can clearly see your face and that the camera is at eye level. Please place mobile phones on a solid surface as opposed to holding them. If several people will be participating, please make sure your counsellor can see everyone clearly.
It is very easy to hear background noises e.g. animals and washing machines and kettles etc. so please make sure you are in a quiet location.
Please ensure that you will not be disturbed for the duration of the session and that the door to the room you are sitting in is closed. Please inform all family members that you will be in a meeting for one hour, some people choose to put a sign up on the door. If there is no private space within the house, you may have access to a vehicle to sit in. Please ensure this is safe and appropriate to do so. This is at your discretion, Willow retains no liability.
To ensure you are comfortable please use the bathroom before the session, have water/tea to hydrate yourself, tissues if required, dress appropriately, check your room temperature and lighting – sitting with a window facing you can help.
Please ensure you do not have your back to a window or lampshade – this can make it very hard for your counsellor to see you clearly.
Some clients choose to go for a walk for a one hour period with headphones in order to have a telephone session in private. Please be mindful traffic noise can be a distraction.
Please ensure you have not been drinking alcohol or taking drugs before any sessions where they may still be in your body. If your counsellor feels you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs the session will be terminated.
Please do not record the sessions. Your counsellor will not be recording any of your sessions unless they have prior consent from you, and this has been mutually discussed and agreed and a consent form has been signed by you.
Please ensure that your session is confidential to you and that no other person listens in to any part of the online or phone session without prior agreement with your counsellor.
You as the client are responsible for the confidentiality within your own space whilst having remote sessions.
When working with couples, families or children under the age of 18. A designated signatory is required to fill in this form acting on behalf of all those taking part in therapy. This information will be stored in an email vault which is encrypted online. Forms will be printed off under the GDPR agreement. The forms will be stored in the locked cabinet in the Willow office which is passcode protected.