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Mobile phone, photography and use of images policy

This policy applies to all within Willow Therapy Tring (WTT). It is designed to protect children from the inappropriate use of mobile phones, cameras, iPads, iPods and video recorders. This policy is part of our wider commitment to safeguarding the welfare of children and vulnerable adults.




WTT recognises that mobile phones are a useful and sometimes vital part of everyday life. However, there is also compelling evidence that the misuse of mobile phones can pose a threat to the welfare of children and vulnerable adults.


All WTT team members are therefore asked not to use mobile phones during sessions and that they are turned off or onto silent mode and put away in a safe place. We recognise that sometimes important calls need to be answered or made.




Photographs taken by WTT counsellors will be deleted from the camera after printing.  These photos will be of client work only with no identifiable names. Those photos needed for a specific purpose will be kept securely in the clients file locked away.


Any photos kept on file are confidential to the client and therapist only.  Once therapy has come to an end photos can be kept, if wanted, by the client.



For more information, please contact us via


Last Updated : 14th of January, 2024

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